by alphahealth | Mar 1, 2022 | ALPHA Health Services, Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy
Returning to Running after a Baby Congratulations, you’ve completed one of the most awesome things a human body can accomplish! Giving birth, whether it’s a natural or cesarian delivery, is like the Olympic Games of every sport combined and you just won the gold. But...
by alphahealth | Feb 15, 2022 | ALPHA Health Services, Concussion Rehabilitation
Exercise After a Concussion: Why It’s Important Most people are aware of the general benefits of aerobic exercise: Regular exercise helps prevent or manage major health problems such as heart disease, diabetes, and obesity. It lowers blood pressure, increase muscle...
by alphahealth | Feb 1, 2022 | ALPHA Health Services
‘Tis the season of the winter blues. Due to the shorter days, lack of sunshine and colder temperatures we often spend more time indoors being sedentary. Let’s review some of the perks of physical activity, general guidelines and ways that we can get motivated to...
by alphahealth | Jan 17, 2022 | ALPHA Health Services
Dear Friends and Patients of ALPHA Health Services; We want to personally send all of you a note to wish you all the best for 2022. When we wrote to you all a year ago, we were all hoping for a return to a world where we could hug our loved ones, venture outside our...
by alphahealth | Jun 15, 2021 | ALPHA Health Services, Physiotherapy
You don’t have to be broken to start physiotherapy. Since when do you have to break something in order to grow, nourish, and strengthen it? Think about a plant. You go to a nursery to pick out the perfect plant. You bring it home, provide it with shelter, water,...