Can Office Over Sharers Change Your Life?
Everyone has that friend or parent that you feel overshares about their life. How they feel? What their digestion is like? The good (and bad) of their romantic life?
At times it may seem awkward in the moment, but really without oversharing on the issues we often do not talk about, how would we ever know we are normal? In pain? Not optimal?
At least once a day someone in my office says, but I thought that was just how it was?
I think the oversharing Individuals in our lives play an essential role in helping us understand what is and isn’t normal as we quietly compare ourselves to them.
From those conversations, we usually end up with one of two thoughts…I feel ok compared to them, and uh-oh one of us is very off but I’m not sure which one of us it is.
Most diseases and illnesses don’t happen overnight. However having these conversations about health is where we begin to understand what may be suboptimal in our life. It can bring us to a place where we acknowledge and are aware of the changes in our body and the need to address them.
Often these conversations generate a nugget of wonder in the brain… could you feel better then you do right now?
In a world where we share so much information about ourselves through social and digital platforms, in conversations and emojis…isn’t it time to lift the taboo on talks around our health and start us feeling better, instead of waiting until we are really sick to seek out help from friends family and a healthcare community ready to bring you to optimal.
It is a lot easier to get up a hill standing at the base of it, than climbing out of a hole to get to the base in the first place.
Isn’t it time you gave yourself permission to put yourself first. It’s time to investigate your mental and physical health. Isn’t it time to figure out how you can make this year the best one ever!
The Author, Christina Carew, is a naturopathic doctor who practices functional and strategic medicine at Alpha Health Services. As a medical investigator, she is in the business of changing people’s lives. Dr. Christina focuses on finding the biomedical reasons for symptoms that are often unique to each patient and helps her patients remove the obstacles that stand in the way of living a healthy vibrant life. Want to know if her approach is right for you – sign up for a free 20-minute consult click here.
Note: This blog provides general information and discussion about medicine, health and related subjects. The words and other content provided in this blog, and in any linked materials, are not intended and should not be construed as medical advice. If the reader or any other person has a medical concern, he or she should consult with an appropriately-licensed health care worker.
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